Salt strong lures. weedless weighted hook when fishing both of these lures. Salt strong lures

 weedless weighted hook when fishing both of these luresSalt strong lures A

Big flounder like big lures, so go with a larger paddletail in the 5″ range, like the Z-Man DieZel MinnowZ, if that’s what you’re after. And since I featured it in the video about topwater lures for redfish vs. Click here to join the Insider Club [and get access to these exclusive lures] Check this out to learn more: The 3 New Salt Strong Fishing Lures That Are Crushing Big Fish. We've taken the best features of the top-performing topwater lures of all time and put them all into this one amazing lure: The Moonwalker dances from side to side on the water with ease (even completely new anglers can effortlesslyThe MHG team set up a booth at this years 2015 ICAST where they made a big announcement that the well-known Bill Lewis Lure (maker of Rat-L-Trap lures) would be the first big fishing lure company to start using their certified biodegradable plastics in their Rat-L-Trap lures. Reel: Quantum Smoke 25. 36:39 – What’s your go-to bait or lure for the pier? 39:21 – A quick, easy bait to use for redfish and a great bait for everything. Also keep in mind, that just. 18:28 – Luke’s Summer Lures; 21:09 – Dr. All I do is cast it up current and give it some twitches as it floats back down with the current like all the other bait. 12:37 – Recent success with live bait. It’s tough to beat the thrill of a big fish striking a topwater plug! Now that we’re approaching the first day of fall, we’re about to be in the best season for catching big fish with topwater lures. 6:05 – Species that you could catch on the flats. Testing Different Topwater Lures. Con: Up to 30% weaker than the FG knot in my tests. 43:10 – Making your lure stand out. Let go of the tag end and pull the main line tight to cinch the knot. More rustproof. Step 1: Create an overhand loop and run the tag end through that loop. Make sure the hook comes out through the center of the lure. Power Prawn U. 16:47 – The next Salt Strong product coming out. The type of lure you use is an important decision point as well. 20:10 – Do NOT buy this lure. It’s great to use in murky water conditions. R. E. 4. Make sure the hook point is centered in the lure. 10:10 – Comparing to the BOMBER. My personal favorite after doing a lot of line tests of the years is the 10 lb J-Braid 8 Grand because it is very strong, casts great, and has proven to hold up to a lot. Z-Man Slam Shady 5″ PaddlerZ. His book inspired me to other techniques and methods that continually raise eyebrows nearby, including spitting on the lure before a. Leader: 30 lb Ande Mono. Fall is an awesome time of the year to catch big trout and using a topwater in the morning, then switching to a jerk shad or paddletail (depending on water clarity) as the sun comes up is a great gameplan. 5-inch paddletail that is pink bodied with silver flecks sprinkled throughout the lure. 1 popper or chugger style top water lure like a Mirrolure C-Eye Poppa Mullet. Doubled-Over Double Uni Knot. If you notice the strikes are timid or you’re getting no strikes at all, then that is when I would switch over to the Skinny Lipper. The Slam Shady 2. The Power Prawn USA lures have the ultimate glide in the water that generates strikes from even the biggest and smartest fish. I was recently at a pier fishing for Spanish mackerel and it seemed like every fisherman there was using them (including me!). This allows you to walk the dog much easier than some topwater lures out there. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes) This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. Docks. With lures, you don’t have to worry about it flying off the hook. Cons: Price (they’re about $11 for a pack of two) The bait is connected to the hook by a thin strip of plastic. 15:06 – Sitting & Waiting. 0. Jerk Shad vs Paddletail 11 for 1. = under 2 ft depth (best for skipping) 1/8 oz. Paddle tail lures are one of the most effective lures for catching redfish, seatrout, and snook. Reel: Daiwa Legalis 2500-XH. Be sure to take note of what they’re doing (digging in the mud or darting through the water) to choose the best lure, and remember that the time of tide cycle is more important than the time of day. E. The 11 for 1 was a bit of a light bulb moment for me when a variety of the Salt Strong lures arrived in the same package. 36:41 – Where to look for water flow. 3) Drag Retrieve. Leader: 20 lb Ande Monofilament. Power Prawn USA Junior Setup. They turn to the side right after they hit. BKK is out of Australia and they design the strongest saltwater hooks on the market. Once it has reached the bottom, all you need to do is slowly raise and lower your rod to bump the lure along the bottom. Paddletail is a 3. 5-Inch Paddletail (the perfect size bait for any. I prefer to. 6:08 – The Double-Uni Knot. 12:44 – When to use the Snug Knot. Being confident in how to use them can do the same for you. So in this video, I’m going to give you a full review of it, including: Why it’s such a good topwater lure for redfish. First, slide the hook point of the jighead into the head of the soft plastic as you normally would. 45:03 – Battle Rattles. Redfish, snook, trout…. R. 7:23 – One lure that creates the same action but looks more natural unless you’re casting into the wind Get the Power Prawn here (Insiders Only) 8:35 – The number one reason Luke always. Wyatt’s Texas Bundle Lure Lessons. 1505 S Lake Shipp. and the Z-Man 5-inch Slam Shady Jerk Shad are your best bet for targeting huge flounder on the flats. 3. The bigger lure will be able to make more noise and is more likely to get the attention of fish. Another example to break out the subsurface. This sneaky hack will increase the amount of fish you catch per lure saving you time and money. You will not want this dripping all over your boat, your hands, and your clothes. Here’s a timestamped table of contents from my conversation with Tony and Luke about how to catch sheepshead: 2:10 – How to find your own honey holes. Here are lures I do like for skipping: Soft plastics. First Day Trying Out Our NEW Lure [Fishing Report] By: Pat Ogletree. The Z-Man Kicker CrabZ lures are crab imitation baits designed to mimic the arm of a crab. 22:25 – Jerk shad options depending on depth. 2/0 hooks are much bigger than other 2/0 hooks) Less gap. D. The dye I use is called Spike-It Dip-N-Glow. A larger spoon will swim in the deeper parts of the. Eighty-three! Here’s why we’re willing to give away a FREE pack & lose money on the deal. 5 inches Weight = 0. And your performance will be much better if you’re using the correctly weighted lure and rod combination. I caught fish from January through December using only topwater lures, but there are limitations to dive into. Here is a timestamped version of this episode: 2:00 – Artificial Shrimp VS. Especially during this time of year, the water can churn up and become dirty or murky between tides. As an Insider, you’re going to get your hands on F. One of the best skipping paddletail lures on the market; Easy to rig with jig heads and weighted hooks (plus rigs weedless in seconds). The Bomber enables you to cover a ton of ground. Power Prawn. Course Member: If you have purchased a Salt Strong course,. If I’m fishing in water deeper than 6′, I’ll rig them on a jig head, such as the Redfish Eye Jig Head. But it’s crucial to effectively match the right shrimp lure size, color, and rigging for them to consistently get good results. Whether you’re fishing for bass in a lake, or redfish, snook, or trout on the flats, here are three lures that can catch all of these fish: A topwater lure (you can get the Heddon Super Spook Jr. When you need an erratic retrieve for ambush predators, go with a loop knot because it allows the lure have more freedom of motion in the water. You’ll know you’re doing it right if the plug is doing a nice zigzag motion. This is also one of the only lures I have found that effectively fishes shallow grass. D. . 3/16 oz. In the fall, fish are more aggressive and baitfish are bigger (and the Slam Shady Bomber is the perfect lure to use during this time). This is one of the better retrieves for colder months but can be used all year round. Lure length is 4. Your Non-Slip Loop Knot is. Want to see how I like to rig Z-Man lures to catch more fish?I’ve been using this lure a lot recently catching redfish in the marshes and near oyster bars. Buy any reel (with your 20% discount) and get all 3 packs free. 8:27 – Catching inshore slams with the Power Prawn. We personally recommend connecting your braided line directly to a fluorocarbon leader which then connecting to your hook/lure in most situations. 3:01 – What NOT to do with your soft plastic lures when storing them. We genuinely want to earn your trust in hopes that you eventually join our Salt Strong "Insider" Fishing Club and believe these free lures represent our best foot. You definitely want a split-tail jerkbait in your tackle bag this spring and few are better than the Alabama Leprechaun. Conclusion. 3. 6:11 – Luke was totally blown away by this lure. A. And one thing I’ve noticed with tarpon is that jig head color seems to be very important. These lures catch the widest variety at the jetty and are really easy to use. The Salt Strong Moonwalker is a walk-the-dog style topwater lure designed to call fish in and strike. Alabama Leprechaun Mulligan. Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on. on February 11, 2023. Swimbaits. Additionally, as you twitch the lure across the bottom, you simultaneously want to. E. Paddletail. R. Reel: Daiwa BGMQ 2500-XH. Equipment Links. A cheaper but just as strong alternative for single replacement inline hooks is the 1/0 Mustad Kaiju Single Inline Hooks. 6:57 – Best time and place to use a bucktail. If you are fishing in shallow water with a jerk bait, you want to angle your rod down more and use more of a twitch-twitch-pause approach but to your side rather than up and down. Get the Slam Shady Paddletail here. Weedless slot to go quickly go weedless. 24:20 – The importance of retrieving your lure ALL of the way back to you. The Slam Shady BOMBER is a 5-inch paddletail lure that is slightly larger than our smaller 2. Mainline: Daiwa J Braid Grand 10 Pound Grey. In just about or under 2 minutes, the lure will heat up. Featured Tackle & Lures: Moonwalker Topwater Lure. I prefer to use a 1/8 oz. Aggressive skip casts can rip this strip and ruin the lure, but when I stopped skip casting under docks and just pitched it to the outer pilings, my lures lasted longer (and I also got broken off less). When trout are looking for food, they sit in the grass where the spots on their back let them wait in ambush unnoticed. To catch tailing redfish in the summer, look for them in the morning at the beginning of low tide. Comments (19) This page will show you how to catch the most fish possible while using your Moonwalker topwater plugs. Because of the buoyant material it’s made. I usually tie this second loop about 15-20″ above the first loop. Get the Power Prawn here (Insiders only) 4:56 – What size jig heads to use in the. Insert the hook point in the bottom and out through the top of the lure. Paddletails in the 4-7″ range are the best lures for big flounder. The core premise is to have your bottom hand on the butt section and. Non pre-rigged lures will come in packages of 3+ lures. To set this method up, have a board or flat surface ready to go in front of you. Lure 1: Power Prawn USA Junior Gold Digger rigged on 3/0 Hoss Helix Hook. The Moonwalker creates a walk-the-dog action on the surface of the water that attracts predatory fish to strike. E. The best chance at sparking a bite is to cast into the current at an angle and retrieve back with the water flow. Twist the tag end around the main line two times. D. Stronger and less likely to bend. Stick Baits/Jerk Shads = Loop Knot. Z-Man 4-inch Jerk Shad. These lures won best in their category at iCast 2022 and were considered the best introductory NEW soft plastic lure. com is a Salt Strong LLC Company. 2. To rig the lures, put the point of hook directly in the center of the top of the lure and pull right down through the bottom side of the bait. Wet the knot with either water or spit. 3:25 – Live or Frozen Shrimp for Beginners. E. It is best to try all sides of the. 5:30 – When the best time of year to catch sheepshead is. stands for “Fooling Redfish Every Day” and the color itself is a light pink with some silver fleck sprinkled throughout. Note: the steel leader takes quite a bit of force to deploy from the body of the lure, which prevents the hook from unnecessarily deploying without a fish on the line. 17:55 – Transitioning from live bait to lures. Here is a timestamped version of this episode to follow along with: 1:40 – NEW Salt Strong Property!! 2:40 – Research & Development for NEW LURE. Public Price $259. San Diego Jam Knot.