Procurephx. Most times, this will be city of the business' place of business where the transaction takes place. Procurephx

 Most times, this will be city of the business' place of business where the transaction takes placeProcurephx PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 RFx 6000001210 January 24, 2022 Pre-Submittal Meeting

Locked Registered members only. There’s a new and better way to do business with the city of Phoenix. City of Phoenix Representatives Kathleen Kennedy, Contracts Specialist. annette. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 . Welcome and Introductions Annette Perez, Contracts Specialist II . that are generated, i. Kathleen Lewis, Contracts Specialist. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFX NUMBER: 60000001150 NOVEMBER 4, 2021, 2:00 PM VIA WEBEX. SOILS AND MATERIALS TESTING ON -CALL SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES RFQ REV. With Procurex, you get a full-service approach that we’ve fine-tuned during our more than 15 years of experience running money-saving reverse auctions. Administrator. rfx 6000001335 . washington renovation owner’s representative services cp10500007 procurephx product category codes 925000000, 906000000, and 962580000PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001438 . Check the box on the categories you would like to bid on. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFX NUMBER: 6000001058 JANUARY 11, 2021 11:00AM WEBEX. Point of Contact for Bid Questions. 11/20 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to provide. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001097 . , 2018, 2020, 2022) and ending on Dec. [email protected]@[email protected]. 3PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 906000000, Architectural Services RFx Number: 6000001298 PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000, CMAR Services RFx Number: 6000001301 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2022. procurephx product category code 912000000 . Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions. LARGE VALVE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION REPAIR AND WATERLINE WORK CA&I SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES RFQ REV. bids will be due: tuesday, january 10, 2023, at 2:00 p. procurePHX uses the National Institute of Governmental Purchasings' (NIGP) product category codes. The information contained herein is designed to help you navigate through the maze of how to do business with the city of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix is seekingup to 10 qualified consultants to provide Grant Writing Consulting On-CallPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 . 10/22 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to provide preconstruction services and complete construction services for the. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 RFx 6000001357 February 6, 2023 Pre-Submittal Meeting. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 RFx 6000001234 March 18, 2022 Pre-Submittal Meeting. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000. 3. Office of the City Engineer. has control of the account. Locked Registered members only. February 8, 2022. DESCRIPTION – STATEMENT OF NEED: 1. Ansmann. RFx 6000001230 . 2. Point of Contact for Bid Questions. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000. A contract will be executed upon completion ofPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFx Number: 6000001320 November 29, 2022 9:00AM WebEx PRE-BID MEETING. 2/23 CONSTRUCTION ADMISTRATION & INSECTION SERVICES PAGE 1 PROJECT NUMBER: WS90300008 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . Please MUTE your microphone & turn off your camera. rfx 6000001246 . PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 . gov or. 1. Elizabeth Blakley. † Purchases between $8,600 - $100,000procurephx product category code 912000000 . Selection Process. PSHIA T3N2 PACKAGE NO. procurePHX Contact Person Information The email address listed in this section will be set-up as the administrator for the company. 9/21 WS90100115 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . Welcome and Introductions. com. Annette Perez, Contracts Specialist II. PSHIA SOLAR COVERED PARKING SHADE STRUCTURES Architectural Services RFQ REV. Tonja Lepur, Contracts Specialist I. A. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Samantha B. Office of the City Engineer, Design and Construction Procurement. Office of the City Engineer. m. Find your W9 on your computer byOurFull ServiceApproach. The City of Phoenix is seeking up to 18 qualified. 9/21 WS85260024, WS85290023 & WS85320019 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . 0800/5 34 34 24. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 RFx 6000001438 . Office of the City Engineer. Office of the City Engineer. Annette Perez, Contracts Specialist II. Risk Management-Claim Fo rm. We recommend also periodical y checking for currentso icitations posted by the various city of Phoenix departments. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFx Number: 6000001171 NOVEMBER 19, 2021 Meeting will start soon Please MUTE your microphone & turn off your camera. ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: 1. 9/21 P AGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . City of Phoenix Representatives. 20. Julie B. procurePHX: Comprehensive information on doing business with the city as a vendor, contractor or other business. 10/14/2019 4:30:36 PM. Meeting [email protected]. Click on Change. m. Need Help? Email vendor. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000 RFx Number: 6000001088 April 20, 2021 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING. Signing up also lets you subscribe to opportunities to sell to city departments when they are. I created a walkthrough video on registering as a vendor. A letter of clearance for each owner and employee is required. 1. Office of the City Engineer. Completing only Step 1 does not make you eligible to. g. OCTOBER 15, 2021. The City of Phoenix is seekingup to two qualified consultants to. LIGHT RAIL EXTENSION CA&I ON -CALL SERVICES RFQ R EV. Consultants interested in providing design services to ADOT are required to be prequalified with ECS. RFx Number: 6000001420. FIRE STATION NO. Need Help? Email vendor. 9/21 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . Welcome and Introductions Debra Russell, Contracts Specialist II – Team Lead, Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions. Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions. 10/22 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to provide preconstruction services and. SECTION I – INSTRUCTIONS CITY OF PHOENIX Page 4 Solicitation Number: RFQu-22-MSD-62 . Water Services. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000. gov or call (602) 262-1819. project no. The City of Phoenix (City) invites qualified Offeror’s to. Documentation Letter of Clearance from the City of Phoenix Police Department Letter of clearance must be obtained within 90 days of registration. PA75200491-1 Questions pertaining to process or contract issues should be directed to Heather Roye at (602) 261-8894 or heather. The portal provides access to the solicitations that are open for bid. RFx 6000001291. Welcome and Introductions City of Phoenix [email protected]@phoenix. Office of the City Engineer. To register, you must have a signed, scanned copy of your W-9. 912-00. We recommend also periodically checking for current solicitations posted by the various. PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING. WWTP FACILITY MASTER PLAN (2022-2050) ENGINEERING SERVICES RFQ REV. b. Search You may search for your category B. tonja. no. 9/21 CALENDAR YEARS 2023-2024 PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 92 5 000000 & 962580000 RFx 6000001281. We recommend also periodical y checking for currentso icitations posted by the various city of Phoenix departments. Solicitation/Project Number. In the event of an emergency purchase, the City may provide a ten digit shopping cart number beginning. SECTION V - SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS New Electronic Submittal Process: Firms interested in this project must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) electronically. 62 Page 1 of 14 FD57100027 CMAR RFQ Rev. Process Overview 1 2 3 Email is sent to a registered. City of Phoenix Representatives. gov Joshua Smith, Project Manager **This meeting will be recorded to ensure we capture all questions andPROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 925000000 [email protected]. City of Phoenix Representatives. Office of the City Engineer. g. The City of Phoenix buys millions of dollars in goods and services from local businesses like you. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000. 6000001357/WS90400086 & WS90501003. 9/21 PW27070001 PAGE 4 *These points are in addition to the 400 points for the SOQ. a. Point of Contact for Bid Questions. Step2. SBA Size Standards (MS Excel Format)SECTION I - INSTRUCTIONS CITY OF PHOENIX Rev. Complete an upload a W9 [irs. 9/21 PROJECT NUMBER – VARIOUS PAGE 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS . gov or call (602) 262-1819. JANUARY 25, 2022. heather. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE 912000000 . City of Phoenix Finance Department 251 W. Welcome and Introductions. The City of Phoenix (City) is a recipient of federal funding under The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) that was signed into law on July 22, 2014. Need Help? Email vendor. If you are registered as a City of Phoenix vendor already, check that your address is correct both in MARGO and in procurePHX. They will receive the user id and password information and will be responsible for maintaining the company information current. Code Enforcement Unit ‐Public Records 1717 East Grant Street, Suite 100Learn about procurePHX, a new way to do business with the City of Phoenix, AZ Government. procurePHX requires a signed and dated recent version of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions. gov. We recommend also periodical y checking for currentso icitations posted by the various city of Phoenix departments. We can only accept. e. PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 925000000, 962580000 . Select You may scroll down to find your category. RFx Number: 6000001376. 1. RFx Number: 6000001412. RFX NUMBER: 60000001291. 122019PROCUREPHX PRODUCT CATEGORY CODE: 912000000 RFx Number: 6000001231 March 24, 2022 PRE-BID MEETING. 6000001210. on for the procurePHX system open to any and all interested vendors. SR 85 LANDFILL EXCAVATION Page 1 of 18 PW16810006 CMAR RFQ Rev. ProcurePHX website, in PDF format only, addressing all evaluation criteria. GRAND CANAL PHASE III: CMAR PRE-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Page 2 of 17 PROJECT NO. Meeting will start soon. , 8th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 RELEASE DATE: August 4, 2022procurephx product category codes: 925000000, 906000000, 962580000 rfx number: 6000001273 architectural services procurephx product category code: 906000000 rfx number: 6000001271 cmar services procurephx product category code: 912000000 rfx number: 6000001275 (6000001272) pre-submittal meeting june 16, 2022Answer: On the ProcurePHX website, in RFx 6000000699, attached to Notification No. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS • Heather Roye, Contracts Specialist POINT OF CONTACT FOR SUBMITTALS AND RFQ QUESTIONS. FEBRUARY 28, 2023. Registration for the procurePHX system open to any and all interested vendors. Kathleen Kennedy, Contracts Specialist II. b. No hard copies will be accepted. pdf. Register your company information with the City. ws85050019 and ws85400007. Please note: Check Refund Status can only be used for tax returns filed after December 31st, 2007. Please MUTE your microphone & turn off your camera. introductions 3 Annette Perez, Contracts Specialist Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions Office of the City Engineer annette. Background It is intended that when an attorney or law firm is retained or referred a lawsuit or other legal matter by the City Attorney, the attorney or law firm will provide any necessary legalRegistration Instructions. DESCRIPTION – STATEMENT OF NEED. The City of Phoenix Aviation Department desires to establish an Airport Development Program Qualified Vendor List to provide program management services for a variety of civil and building capital improvement projects. 9/21 AV09000101 FAA PAGE 2 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified consultant team to provide architectural services for the solar covered. Steel Tank Rehabilitation and Concrete Reservoir Program Job Order Contract 4108JOC219 - VARIOUS. 1 of an even numbered year (e. RFx 6000001154. Point of Contact for Submittals and RFQ Questions. 2 Liz Blakley, Contracts Specialist Office of the City Engineer elizabeth. The City of Phoenix invites sealed offers for Alternative Transportation Services, for the Human Services Department, Community and Senior Services Division, for a five-year period commencing on or about July 1, 2023 and. Need Help? Email vendor. City Property.