17 more in order to break even. Is anyone noticing that using Perfect Juju Mining Potions do not stack with Shooting Star boost? I completed my full 200 Stardusts just 3 mins ago and started mining at the Sandstones in both Ithell and Ooglog but at the end of the mine, I didn't get lots of ores compared to how I normally got before. Extreme cooking potion, a potion that boosts Cooking by 1-17 levels (super cooking + primal extract + beak snot) This page is used to distinguish between articles with similar names. It is created by using a juju mining potion on a potion flask. When caught, it gives 554 Hunter experience, a draconic vine (used to make juju mining potions), and a chance at vine herb seeds. It is created by using a juju mining potion on a potion flask . Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. It is made by combining a juju hunter potion (3) with harmony moss and grants 92. A juju mining potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat activity. When a dose is consumed, each ore-receiving swing has a 10% chance to gain a bottled stone spirit of the type of ore mined. A Juju mining potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat activity. This makes a three dose potion, which can then be decanted into other doses by talking to Bob Barter (herbs). Making this potion grants 168 Herblore experience and requires a clean samaden and a draconic vine. The requirements for attracting draconic. 4 Barbarian mix potions. It is made by mixing Clean avantoe and Calcified fungus in a vial of water, giving 115 Herblore experience. A perfect juju mining flask is a potion flask containing up to six doses of perfect juju mining potion. ^ Only when using a Juju mining potion or Perfect juju mining potion ^ a b For an accurate drop chance see the mining rate calculator ^ Only rolled when obtaining an ore while Tagga's corehammer is used. 5 Unfinished juju potions. Saint Petersburg, formerly known as Petrograd (1914–1924) and later Leningrad (1924–1991; see below), is the second-largest city in Russia. 9k GP 694. It is made by cleaning a grimy erzille, which requires 54 Herblore. Unlike crops, herbs, etc. 0. It is made by adding 10 harmony dust to a juju fishing potion, which requires level 92 Herblore and grants 127. 30. Even if its not a buff to ores per hour but just a. It requires level 74 Herblore to make (as well as level 80 Farming and level 80 Hunter). Graphical updates [edit | edit source] Gold rocks were updated along with other Mining rocks in April 2011. Energy flask. Very great way for newer players to make money, the potion itself costed 30k. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. A juju cooking potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat. I will not cover Juju cooking and Juju woodcutting any further in this guide as they can be deemed largely worthless ( Juju gumbo is basically an inferior Saradomin brew while woodcutting. Juju mining potion [edit source] It is actvated before the effect of the Juju mining potion, or the effect of the Juju is the first and the porter is the second? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by 80. But I imagine mining will get easier as the levels go up. They require level 70 Mining to mine and have a durability of 500, a hardness of 140, and an experience multiplier of 0. Update history [edit | edit source] This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. 1. A juju mining potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat activity and from attaining level 99 in all skills. You can also talk to Teplin Macagan in Oo'glog to automatically fill up the flasks, even in noted form. If under the effects of a perfect juju mining potion or perfect plus potion, stone spirits have an additional effect of fully restoring mining stamina whenever they get consumed while mining ore. A perfect juju mining flask is a potion flask containing up to six doses of perfect juju mining potion. 0k gp: No: Yes: Juju hunter potion (4) Player made (See Notes Section). Clean erzille can be mixed with a Corrupt. It is made by combining a Saradomin's blessing (3) with harmony moss, requiring 87 Herblore and giving 127. Juju Mining potion Not working (dont mind gf in the background) This thread is archived. A perfect juju mining potion is a potion made using the Herblore skill. The autobanking feature of the potion would not go unnoticed. Contents. 5 experience. Trigger. GodelRS. Banite stone spirit. Concentrated coal deposits are clumps of coal located in the Living Rock Caverns beneath the Dwarven Mines. The stone spirit sends ore to the bank for you and gives you a chance of receiving higher level ore, which is also sent directly to your bank. An erzille potion (unf) is an unfinished potion made via the Herblore skill during Herblore Habitat. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes with a. 2. It is made by combining a juju mining potion (3) with harmony moss, requiring 80 Herblore and giving 126. When a dose of juju mining potion (lasts for 6 minutes) or perfect juju mining potion (lasts for 1 hour) is consumed, each ore mined has a 10% chance of finding a stone spirit. Though this potion's use is somewhat limited (particularly to the Living Rock Caverns), it can be produced completely from the drops of draconic jadinkos, the best training method available in the Habitat, and so can be made somewhat losslessly. I tried it out last night, and the juju potion never activated for several hundred clay. . Juju mining potion - lets you find stone spirits when mining. Making a Scentless potion requires level 59 Herblore and gives 135 experience. Using Perfect juju mining potion with Porters. It requires level 74 Herblore to make (as well as level 80 Farming and level 80 Hunter). RuneScape MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming. It can also be turned into a six-dose Perfect juju agility. Loading. 1 hour. Conclusion. Clean argway is used to make scentless potion (3)s: 70 Ugune seed: 3 x Blue vine blossom: 4×20 mins 135 N/A 152 287: N/A N/A: Clean ugune is used to make Juju farming potion (3)s: 74 Shengo seed: 5 x. When caught, it gives 200 Hunter experience, a withered vine, and a chance at some seeds. Products 01:48 Watch 01:48 Fast X - The Loop For the vial version, see Juju mining potion. During Plague's End the player makes a potion that allows one to see a portal in the Daemonheim Castle that leads to the hiding place of Lady Meilyr. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. The necrite stone spirit will add an extra ore for every ore you mine, gaining extra profit even if the cost of. A perfect juju mining potion is a potion made using the Herblore skill. A perfect juju smithing potion is a potion made at level 82 Herblore. After finding her she travels to the entrance of the Grand Library and with the help of the player, the other six clan leaders and Iestin Edern,. It is made by combining a juju mining potion (3) with harmony moss, requiring 80 Herblore and giving 126 experience. I watched TV while mining, but if one is not concerned. A juju mining flask is a potion flask originally containing six doses of Juju mining potion. ---No: Yes: Juju hunter potion (3) Player made (See Notes Section). 5 experience. Grow crops in various combinations to attract sneaky jadinkos to the area to catch and then use the ingredients grown and obtained from jadinkos to make juju. 6 comments. Juju woodcutting potion (3) 160 74 Draconic vine: Juju mining potion (3) 168 75 Saradomin vine: Saradomin's blessing (3) 170 Guthix vine: Guthix's gift (3) 170 Zamorak vine: Zamorak's favour (3)Two green vine blossoms appear in the area for the required juju hunter potions. If there is no. It can also be turned into a six-dose Perfect juju. When a dose is consumed, each ore mined has a 10% chance of finding a stone spirit, which will automatically smelts some of the ores you mine, leaving the bar of metal in your inventory and giving you the. Removed all but 1 gold bar and gold ore in the bank. The player needs a noose wand in order to track the jadinko and catch it. 49 votes, 11 comments. bonus implings! end profit minus the implings was 2m on the dot. Status effect info. 30. , when harvesting harmony moss from a pillar, all moss is harvested at once. 3 Herbs. 8. A juju mining potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat activity and from attaining level 99 in all skills. While they no longer bank your ores they give you a 10% xp boost and have a chance of smelting the ore you mine. There are eight of these deposits in the caverns. It can also be turned into a six-dose Perfect. Participating in the Herblore Habitat involves growing plants and creating habitats with Farming and. It is made by combining a juju mining potion (3) with harmony moss, requiring 80 Herblore and giving 126. You need to have an item called a porter. Dark animica stone spirit. ago. It is created by using a potion flask on perfect juju mining potion with at least six doses of it in your inventory. I'm starting the post with what I believe the primary juju potions required for making the perfect juju potions are and…Players could also use juju mining potions as an alternative to perfect juju mining potions. Perfect mining jujus are a bloody godsend for both sandstone in menaphos and LRC mining. · 7 yr. It is made by adding 10 harmony dust to a juju fishing potion (3), which requires level 92 Herblore and grants 127. Making this potion grants 152 herblore. Interacting with the blue potion next to the entrance will give an eyeball and paper, interacting with the potion shelf will give 5 bottles, a mana elixer, and 2 chimera tonics, and interacting with the box by the shelf will give a mana globe. Elixir of Revealment. 2 Ores. Perfect Juju mining potion at harmonised coal. A perfect juju mining potion is a potion made using the Herblore skill. Mining potion: 51 115 Temporarily boosts Mining by 3. You can also talk to Teplin Macagan in Oo'glog to automatically fill up the flasks, even in noted form. 8. ago. It gives a. It requires level 74 Herblore to make (as well as level 80 Farming and level 80 Hunter). Juju mining potion: 74 168 Samaden: Draconic vine: 10% chance of finding a stone spirit when mining, per ore 29,490: 47,890: Saradomin's blessing. It is created by using a juju mining potion on a potion flask. It can also be turned into a six-dose Perfect juju farming. When a dose is. It can also be turned into a six-dose Perfect juju. ^ Only when using a Dwarven army axe. This makes a three dose potion, which can then be decanted into other doses by talking to Bob Barter (herbs). It is made by combining a juju mining potion (3) with harmony moss, requiring 80 Herblore and giving 126 experience. A dose of the potion is believed to. Mining concentrated sandstone in Menaphos while under the effect of a perfect juju mining potion is very good xp and gp, while being moderately AFK. 30. Trivia Before 10 November 2014 these potions were untradeable. Drinking a dose of juju mining potion. [view] • [talk] The perfect plus potion is a combination potion that can be made at level 99 Herblore after unlocking the recipe. Chapters: Abandoned house, Amphibious jadinko, Aquatic jadinko, Aquatic vine, Argway potion, Argway seed, Astlayrix, Baron shark, Blue. When a dose is. When gold stone spirits, perfect juju mining potions, and signs of the porter are used in conjunction with the Honed perk and the Magic golem outfit, Mining experience rates from mining concentrated gold rocks at level 99 Mining can exceed 125,000 experience an hour. 5 N/A 160 300. 5 experience. Notes: Made by combining combining a Potion flask with 6 doses of Juju mining potion. It is made by combining a juju mining potion (3) with harmony moss, requiring 80 Herblore and giving 126 experience. It is used to make the juju hunter potion at level 54 by adding a corrupt vine, earning 123 experience. Finally, make sure you have Grace of the Elves, with some charges, so you can fully enjoy being AFK 100%. ---No: Yes: Juju hunter potion (3) Player made (See Notes Section). A red vine blossom appears in the area for the required juju hunter potions. A perfect juju smithing potion is a potion made using the Herblore skill. A perfect juju prayer potion is a potion made using the Herblore skill. Banite stone spirit. A perfect juju woodcutting potion is a potion made using the Herblore skill. Energy potion (Stealing Creation) Enhanced luck potion. Duration. A juju cooking potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat. Anachronia [edit | edit source] Rarely while mining rocks on Anachronia, a player may additionally obtain: Item QuantityA perfect juju mining flask is a potion flask containing up to six doses of perfect juju mining potion. 0k gp: No: Yes: Juju hunter potion (4) Player made (See Notes Section). Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. this also works on Lumber fungus. The juju mining potion is being made at the Herblore Habitat activity. Active: Clicking the rock every swing (every 4 ticks / 2. Banite stone spirit. Originally posted by Aquasword480: So the actual way to AFK mine requires 3 things. 5 Restores 40% run energy. 2. It is made by combining a juju mining potion (3) with harmony moss, requiring 80 Herblore and giving 126 experience. A step by step. A juju mining potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat activity and from attaining level 99 in all skills. Wonder if it's worth doing the rune/luminite first to get some levels first. Recently, we now have Smithing perk, which retains Goldsmith Gauntlets (allowing you to use Golem Mining Suit). This makes a three dose potion, which can then be decanted into other doses by talking to Bob Barter (herbs). 225. For the past hour, I've noticed that whenever the 'stone spirit' appears when I use a Perfect Juju mining potion at harmonised coal, corrupted ore is never found. A dose of the potion lasts for one hour. It can also be turned into a six-dose Perfect juju. 7 experience. See Perfect juju mining potion. ^ Only when using a Juju mining potion or Perfect juju mining potion ^ For an accurate drop chance see the mining rate calculator ^ Only rolled when obtaining an ore while Tagga's corehammer is used. The juju teleport spiritbag is used for teleporting to the Herblore Habitat. I wasn't capable of telling whether it was. It can be used on a laid-down, unwithered marasamaw plant as bait to. There are eight of these deposits in the caverns. This number is important for determining if it is viable to buy 1-4 dose potions to decant into a flask to make a profit. Juju mining portions aren't worthless. While the effects of a perfect juju smithing potion are active, there is a chance that corrupted ore will be added. This herb is untradeable in all forms (seed, grimy, or clean). Perfect juju farming potions are worthless. It is a resource to make.