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4- Clearing just the lua folder. SteamID Finder Rules Support Knowledge Base Server Status Feedback Tutorials More . Keeli Bodygroups Troopers. Other . 59 replies. Bear_. If it has then we will be implementing off-maps again. 135. Rank: #32, Players: 86/110, Address: 104. MoreScenario questions: Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Former: The High Inquisitor, Senior Admin X 2 , Second Sister, Sovereign Protector Ved Kennede, Ninth Sister, First Vice Sovereign Sun. A very get fit for the community, and an amazing pick for a new staff member. This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion! Status: Completed. Those that want to be mentioned Go fuck yourselfs. Forums Store Bans Steam Links Workshop Steam Group More . 6- 100% fully re-installation. 0 comments; 47,459 views;. 1 review US Mar 3, 2022 Frog's Review I have been a part of Gaminglight since 2019, and let me tell you there is no other experience like it on GMod. suggestion GamingLight Imperial RP server immersion improvements. If it keeps getting heated, I will give them the "Forums Diplomat Message. Loop holing is not allowed for any rules. Admin SCPRP How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community Roughly June or July 2019 How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight? I was first staff back in 2019/2020 (forgot the date) but recently again in January 27th 2023 How often are you online on the forums? 4/10 to be honest, I go on sometimes to look over. You can give your point of view on someone getting a job or no, a new branch update or if someone should be unbanned. 9- Asking for help on the server that i am trying to join. I believe ever since the new update I have not been able to use my flashlight and it has severly impacted my ability to do anything during a lockdown , is there any possible to fix this issue. MoreWelcome to SCP-RP: an Informative Introduction to the Individual Server Groups By Bread, July 24, 2020 12 replies; 5. SteamID Finder Rules Support Knowledge Base Server Status Feedback Tutorials More . 13 replies. (In Slack) Can express opinions on other staff members, good or bad. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. If you don't know who I am, that's fine, but I hope to meet you in-game or in TeamSpeak sometime!. . Posted August 30, 2021. I believe I joined October 2022 when Weiss was. Myself along with all of the GamingLight SMT members are pleased to announce the development of our very own SCPRP server! We have already begun developing it for the past few weeks and hope to release beta testing within one week. June 18. Players, or groups of players, may not be put under FearRP unless they are outnumbered by the opposing group. I really didn't want to bring it to the forums but I spend 3 hours trying to do it yesterday. Quality of life suggestions [Accepted] By Beckett , March 14. Start new topic. com" in console. in slack to a Head Admin or Head of Staff. However, involving the off-maps, we are still waiting to see if Gmod's latest update regarding fixing workshop addon mounting is solved. 424K views 2 years ago Server Name: Gaminglight ImperialRP IP: 147. Background Research: 035 had been know to be able to control its host, by killing the hosts brain, however 939 has also been seen doing these actions. C. MoreWelcome To The Los Santos Police Department. Number 4, I am somewhat high up role. Jump to content. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. Tuna's Super Admin Application. Garry's Mod 2006 Browse game Gaming Browse. I am not only trusted in RP being high command, but in general people see me as a trustworthy guy they can bring problems to and get a. Reports on unsatisfactory staff performance can be resolved in our staff reports section. Weed. So if you have this problem please follow the Instructions First thing you want to do is, Open up the "Q Menu". 161:27015 Forums General 20k i love dancing on gmod By Blizzy , 3 hours ago Server Updates 1. Your In-game Name: BOx. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. It has been some time since I have played garrys mod but I am glad to be back and having some fun. Review of Gaminglight. In FiveM, they call it a “Priority Cooldown”. 501st Sub-Battalion Lead Application Format By Theta, June 19, 2022 0 replies; 496 viewsPre-release Access to Base Map for Battalion Commands. Start new topic. Other . February 20. 2 months (minimum) as Staff on a server being applied for (Meaning you must have been a staff member for at least 2 months) 4 months since joining the forums (Making a forums account) Highly active on the Forums/TeamSpeak/In-Game. 2 replies. 1 reply. 9k Total Topics. 234. PabloProo123. + Support. SteamID Finder Rules Support Knowledge Base Server Status Feedback Tutorials More . 70 views. The Deputy Director is second in-command and directly responsible for supporting the entire department. Ex: Purge BTO CSM Blaez 24B/Shock ERUO 1LT Blaez SK556. Antonio. 42 views. By Smaug , October 18, 2022. November 27, 2022. . (and 2 more) 1 reply. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. Arcann was a Force-sensitive male Human who was the son of Valkorion, the "Immortal Emperor" of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. Join the conversation. Laser's Staff Application- Accepted. 220:27015 Status online Distance 983 km Country Uptime 7 Days: 99%, 30 Days: 99% Downtime History Map rp_gaminglight_site50_v2 Game Mode scprp Password Protected False Server Settings Server responded to query a few seconds ago Cirno fumo left the game a few seconds ago Decoy joined the game 2 minutes ago Showing 1-8 of 8 entries Gaminglight PoliceRP 2022 Playermodels Collection by [GL]Zeeptin Gaminglight Clonewars LifeRP Collection by [GL]Zeeptin Gaminglight JvS Collection by [GL]Zeeptin Gaminglight PoliceRP Content Collection by [GL]Zeeptin Gaminglight TTT Collection by [GL]Zeeptin Gaminglight ImperialRP Collection by [GL]Zeeptin Gaminglight SCPRP i used to play on gaminglight servers, especially SCP-RP, but i got 40 warnings total and was community blacklisted because i said some funny stuff in an admin sit. By cmsomers58 , Monday at 06:47 PM. Then you goto "Options" in the Top Right. Forums Store Bans Steam Links Workshop Steam Group More . Respect and Value of Life. Report server crashes, bugs or etc. Gaminglight is a roleplay based Garry's Mod (GMod) Community focusing on PoliceRP, MilitaryRP, ImperialRP, and SCP-RP. What you want to see? - A Enhanced Camera added onto the server. I have downloaded everything I can find including all of the content packs and vehicle packs. 69 views. 48 views. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. Currently: PoliceRP Senior Mod, PD MSGT 1D93, EMS Deputy and Head FTO Rescue 1, FBI ASAIC SAF22, HRT SPC SP3, SRT 2LT and SharpShooter Deputy Head 1Q33, State Trooper First Class 1T79, CERT PFC 1CT39, SL Sottocapo (MAJ)Illusions' Sad 48 Hours from State/CERT. If you have more than 15 warnings, you must have permission from the Event Team Leader to apply. There are. Ecott I've been waiting for this day, good luck!!! Expand. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. I Am not allowed to ban up to 5 days an an Senior Moderator, the most i can ban up to is 3 Days. In-Game Name: Voxis Steam Name: [GL] Voxis SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53787030 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes, senior moderator How often are you on TeamSpeak? Most of the day. Thanks to everyone for being apart of this Community even if you hated me, thanks and lets pray that it's successful. - Each Faction Member receives ALL the current faction perks (Speed, Jump. guys whats your favorite pizza toppings combination By Theta, January 13 10 replies; 267 viewsMust either post an application on the forums when all pre-requisites are met or be chosen by SMT 8 months of service on the Staff Team. By Arthur Roy Brown , yesterday at 03:56 AM. However, on FiveMcthe server cap is 32. Zeeptin is constantly improving the servers to make sure they’re running as smoothly as possible! 1 review US Mar 3, 2022 Frog's Review I have been a part of Gaminglight since 2019, and let me tell you there is no other experience like it on GMod. Gaminglight SCPRP Rules. Must have been Moderator for 30 consecutive days. By ACEE , Saturday at 02:15 PM. 1k hi im faye By Faye , Yesterday at 11:02 AM GMod Discussions 804 Gmod Hours? By [EDEN] Matthew , July 10 Website/Infrastructure Suggestions Archived 1. MoreSuggestions. SteamID Finder Rules Support Knowledge Base Server Status Feedback Tutorials More . Forums Store Bans Steam Links Workshop Steam Group More . com" in console (`). Why should we add it? - Because it then allows you to look down in first person and being able to see the rest of your body playermodel when you are in First Person. Tuesday at 06:11 AM. Gaminglight Forums [Gaminglight Store [VIEW ALL POPULAR DISCUSSIONS VIEW ALL (463) RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Zues Gaming 100 Credit Giveaway. By The Best Tuna, April 10. Crime rates are usually way higher on PoliceRP because of the amount of players on there. Former: E-11 Captain, Deputy Head of Ranger Operations Edwards | D5 Raptor Operative Corporal Edwards; IAA Senior Agent Oklahoma | Maintenance Adept Arthur; MMF Jan 4 Scotch-Brite | CI PFC Erickson | GenSec Lance Corporal Edwards | Nu-7 Master Sergeant Johnson. Foundation. Forums Store Bans Staff Team FAQ Rules Gaminglight Home PoliceRP - GMod PoliceRP - GMod PoliceRP is a DarkRP based gamemode on Garry's Mod or GMod which entails different departments of governments stopping crime in the city! Gaminglight's PoliceRP IP: 51. Thank you very much for your continued support. They do exist in lore if you did research you would find it on the legit scp Page. 1k viewsThe Inquisitorius, also known as the Inquisitorius Program, the Order of Inquisitors, and the Imperial Inquisition, was an organization of Force-sensitive dark side agents who served the Galactic Empire. 431 views. lore. Double click on the TeamSpeak 3 icon on your desktop to run the TeamSpeak 3 program. I was a Senior Moderator for TTT-FUN back in early 2014 until about 2016 and resigned on good terms , after that I was part of the IceFuse JVS staff team and had reached the rank of Snr Mod (if memory serves correctly, might be admin) from 2016-2017 before having to resign due to life related issues. Former: First Brigadier General. shadowbanned me for 5 days because. 2. MoreIn-Game Name: Silence Steam Name: [GL] Silence SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155449379 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? I am a senior moderator for SCPRP How often are you online on the forums? Twice daily (AEDT Time). Wednesday at 10:29 PM. Apr 25. Other . Articles; Search In Everywhere; Articles; More options. Dawn暁. Forums; Store; Bans; Steam Links. Downloading the full content pack from that link will download higher quality content and. What payment methods do you accept? We accept Stripe, Paypal, and Coinbase. Except on Friday and Saturday (EST) where I am on from 5pm - 8am EST (. All of the rules for all of the Gaminglight Servers. Type "thirdperson" and hit enter. SteamID Finder Rules Support Knowledge Base Server Status Feedback Tutorials More . Star Wars Imperial Roleplay - GMod. Gaminglight has provided 3 Gmod servers filled with a great staff team that works hard daily to make sure players are having a great time. -Nickname =. 495 views. Other . Currently: PoliceRP Senior Mod and Forum Diplomat, PD MSGT 1D93, EMS Deputy and Head FTO Rescue 1, FBI ASAIC SAF22, HRT SPC SP3, SRT 2LT and Head Sharpshooter / Marksman 1Q33, State Trooper First Class 1T79, CERT PFC 1CT39, SL Junior Capo (MAJ) Ex: ImpRP. Wednesday at 11:00 PM. 5 players will be on the Quality team, and 15 players will be on the Quantity team. 3k Update the Foundation status bot in the SCP-RP discord By Its Buck , Friday at 07:26 PM Discord Ban Appeals Gaminglight is a roleplay based Garry's Mod (GMod) Community focusing on PoliceRP, MilitaryRP, ImperialRP, and SCP-RP. Seb. Hunt. Forums Store Bans Steam Links Workshop Steam Group More . MoreSnowfall's APP Reposting in the right area By Snowfall, May 18 1 reply; 83 viewsForums Store Bans Steam Links Workshop Steam Group More . Pull up console using the ~ key. Thanks. More5. This is when all crime is suppressed entirely for a certain amount of time. Note: Becoming an Inquisitor requires the donation rank of Apprentice+ (T2+). They community is friendly, the staff are fair, there are frequent updates. Examples of FailRP. Currently I am a Event Team Member (Joined 10/29/22) and a Administrator (Joined 11/13/22 by Staff Interview). PoliceRP Manager. Expand. 9k viewsForums Store Bans Steam Links Workshop Steam Group More . I know the forums rules and will be as fast as I can to react to any problems on the forums. 220. MoreNormal members of the forums can't view old CC posts, and people saying "Oh, yeah, this CC is neutral. Zabuza. SteamID Finder Rules Support Knowledge Base Server Status Feedback Tutorials More . Ion Davis - TRIAL-MODERATOR APPLICATION. Gaminglight 2021 Theme . Anthony Rogers - Trial Moderator Application - Denied By YonkieP, June 21 9 replies; 179 viewsCardigan's Trial Moderator Application- Accepted. Sort By. As right now the game is nearly unplayable during some and the most important events. . Pills#5405): Snowfall#6206 How would you rank your knowledge of the lore on a scale from 1 to 10?First, I would give a verbal warning to both of them. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. Staff are always willing to help and try to make the community the best it can be. Commander Applications. By GL Illusions, Wednesday at 03:24 AM. This addon adds sweps for SCPs and scp entities for SCPRP servers. Some things I would like to Suggest. By Laserbolt , April 29. By dark boi , June 13. Other . If you get blacklisted you are not welcome. Content titles and body; Content titles onlyMy most notable position from my time before GamingLight would be when I was a Administrator on Icefuse JvS (When it still existed) and a Senior Moderator on Icefuse Clone wars. Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:197027502. Imperial Quarters. Other . Gaminglight Forums [Gaminglight Store [VIEW ALL POPULAR DISCUSSIONS VIEW ALL (463) RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Zues Gaming 100 Credit Giveaway October 22, 2021 - megamind | 0 Comments Hello! As you know we have another Community called Zeus Gaming. Current: Apprentice I Clavicus/ RG CDT I Arctic. 2 yr Jimmy James locked this topic. Clubs Calendar Staff Online Users Leaderboard All Activity Search More. You must also have 15 warnings or below if you want to apply. "In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police force. Created by Kryptonite. 124. Also maybe doing off world events again I remeber doing change map events back in the day on this server and they were amazing. - Extremely Active, +7 Members Active Daily.