The Fairhaven rail disaster occurred in 968 YK at the lightning rail station in Fairhaven, Aundair. In my Eberron that's the tip of the iceberg-- other public institutions have lots of knowledge for someone who wants to dig. 32 YK. Plenty of natural light andA variety of portals opened to Eberron, with one of the few known relatively permanent portals being the Queen's Kiss, a flower shop in the city of Fairhaven. Fairhold - The Royal Seat of Power, in Fairhaven. The party can visit a knowledgeable contact in Fairhaven (which would probably lead them to a wizard in Arcanix), Oalian in Greenheart, or the largest repository of information in Khorvaire within the Library of Korranberg. Tags D&D Lore. Path of Light. Aurad ir'Wynarn is the governor for Capital Affairs in Fairhaven in Aundair and the chief advisor to his sister, Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn, and the leader of her diplomatic corps. We are proud to present this spacious apartment located in the Sovereign Ward of Fairhaven. Crear una. Need help/insights on how tieflings are treated in Eberron--tiefling PC wants to be born and raised in Fairhaven in his backstory, not sure if that will work . The game is set primarily on the continent of Khorvaire following a vast destructive war. Eberron was a part of the Great Wheel cosmology and the overall multiverse, being situated in the Deep Ethereal. 29-36. Fairhaven. Dnd Characters. Carl. Beyond its obvious meaning, the phrase is spoken as a request for or promise of hospitality. See moreFairhaven lies near the headwaters of the Aundair River some 80 miles west of the Thrane border. Kreelo is the most wanted criminal in the city. This resource (for 3. Map of Fairhaven from my Eberron game. After this, they will go to the city, heal the sick and mend the situation. The public face of House Phiarlan is the Entertainers and Artisans. He's a talented businessman. It explores the general themes of the setting, with a tighter focus on Khorvaire and Sharn. Soot and Ridley finally get some time to relax and do what they please in Fairhaven. For such worthies, even gentle and beautiful Fairhaven is a place of adventure. Fairhaven and the War of the Mark The nation that would come to be known as Aundair was forged by the Kaluunite descendants of the Far Haven colony, settling the surrounding lands with their powerful magic. Fairhaven The capital of Aundair is one of the most beautiful cities in Eberron. House Vadalis is a human dragonmarked house bearing the Mark of Handling that operates throughout Khorvaire. The large city of Rekkenmark has stared into the face of one of Karrnath’s most fervent enemies since the kingdom of Galifar collapsed and the children of Jarot went to war. Near the city center of Fairhaven, at the base of an airship tower and beyond the customs houses of Chalice Center and the Whiteroof Ward, stands the huge bazaar known as Distant Exchange. ” — Bessi d’Jorasco, Fairhaven healer A halfling with the Mark of Healing. Members of the order focus on the positive uses of necromancy, such as the practical value of speak with dead; they’re also experts on undead, studying how to contain and control undead threats. Eberron Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. All of the dragonmarked houses maintain emporiums and outposts throughout Aundair. Adventurers' guilds are groups of professional adventurers who pool resources and contacts together. Fairhaven lies. Plenty of natural light and. The Whiteroof Ward has a larger than average population of half-elves while Rordan's Gate has a riot of different races from all over Eberron. The great walled city is built on opposing banks of the Howling River just before it flows into the Dagger River. In modern times, cultists seek to release beings such as daelkyr, rakshasa rajahs, or demons or gain power from those same beings through sacrifice or devotion. However, there it lay at the center of its own material plane and its very own cosmology of other planes that orbited it and had profound effects. The World of Eberron article consists of a number of features for the Eberron campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. cannot be removed unless the warforged allows it. I’d be happy to discuss it. Journey's Home (House Orien Enclave) Lightning rail. Languages Common, Draconic, Elf, Halfling. The Crying Fields - Site of numerous battles between Thrane and Aundair. Celestial Vista Restaurant. Exploring Eberron says Aundair used these in the war; have they been adapted for civilian use? By the rules of Fifth Edition,. Arcanix · Areksul · Askelios · Bluevine · Fairhaven · Ghalt · Kerkulin · Lathleer · Larunor · Marketplace · Otharaunt · Passage Rhenshia · Stormhome · Tanar · Tower Valiant · Tower Vigilant · Vanguard Keep · Windshire · Wrogar Keep · Wyr:. The city, only recently deemed the capital when the original capital Thaliost fell to Thrane in 977 CY, is always a bustle with activity. Most cultists practice in secret as society at large shuns such. City planners divide the city into a dozen wards, the most prominent of which are described below. Fairhaven: Adquisiciones Rapelje; Flamekeep: Todas las Almas; Eston: Un Gorgón de Tres Cabezas; Thronehold: Sede Vacante; Stormreach: El Regreso de los Quori. Terms in this set (43) Fairhaven. “Brightness be!”. 0. The University of Wynarn is, together with Arcanix, the primary institute of arcane studies in the Five Nations. Eberron Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. During the. It’s official, the swashbuckling Eberron Campaign Setting has made its triumphant return to Dungeons & Dragons! First introduced in third edition D&D, this campaign setting takes cues from pulp adventure, pirate stories, and film noir. Plenty of natural light andEberron Realty Company: Fairhaven Apartment Battle Map - We are proud to present this spacious apartment located in the Sovereign Ward of Fairhaven. The Watch’s most famous. Wrogar. Hatheril lies on the southern edge of the Greenhaunt, near Lake Brey. An index of all the maps located on the Eberron Wiki. Related Topics Eberron Tabletop role-playing game Tabletop games comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a. Feast of the Traveler. An expression of surprise. Creatures by origin; Creatures by alignment;. Eberron will go on break for a couple of weeks while Kayla runs a. Khorvaire is found in Eberron's northern hemisphere. Classes by edition; Prestige classes; Paragon paths; Creatures. A list of places. The proximity of the mountains and mists from the. The Church of the Silver Flame is the dominant religion of Thrane but has followers across Khorvaire. The White Arch Bridge, which had one of its ends in the city,. The capital of Aundair in Eberron is explored in detail in this first in a three-part series on Fairhaven. The immense palace of Fairhold in the center of the city is practically a ward unto itself, and rare is the point in the city that doesn’t afford a. Website. Her claim is stronger than Merrix 's as she is the daughter of the last leader of the house's second wife, Elsabet. Population: 2,000,000 (51% humans, 16% half-elves, 11% elves, 11% gnomes, 5% halflings, 3% shifter, 2% changelings, 1% other) Exports: Wine, cheese, grains, agriculture, books. He doesn't like to stay put. This place has made great improvements in the food. Category page. When dealing with mundane medicine, the mark helps its bearer sense. In 998 YK, Captain Allis led elite Aundairian forces in a raid on a House Vadalis facility in Fairhaven, acting on a tip-off by the Royal Eyes. Nestled between the Karrn River to the north and the Nightwood to the east, Korth has been Karrnath's capital since before the empire of Galifar. Aurala ir'Wynarn is the queen of Aundair and the fifth monarch of that nation. Fairhaven is noted for its beauty, much like the rest of Aundair. But, as with any large mass of people, hidden evil has wormed its way through the community's roots and weaves webs in Fairhaven's highest places. The best place to go to learn of the ancient wonders within Aundair’s borders is the Seroniot Museum of the University of Wynarn. Many of the greatest wizards of Galifar learned their craft within the floating towers of Arcanix. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Eberron: Fairhaven, the City of Lights · Playlist · 253 songs · 189 likes/r/Eberron will be going dark from June 12-14, joining a site-wide protest against Reddit's planned API changes which threaten to kill 3rd party apps r/DnDBehindTheScreen • Along the seabed of the Plane of Water is the salty realm of the Brine Depths, home to the souls of drowned sailors and cruel salt elementalsEberron is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game. The armblade is an example of an item created by House Cannith. Castle Garodya. I'm having a hard time understanding how tieflings are treated in Eberron. To this end, they are rediscovering and advancing the banned practices of Vadalis's Seryan line, which includes making magebred humanoids. The city of Fairhaven is the largest in Aundair and the seat of royal power. Ice House Bar & Grill. Crear una. In the early morning, a lightning rail coach derailed on the track and crashed into the station, killing 47 passengers and bystanders. The Church of the Silver Flame was founded in the early centuries of the Kingdom of Galifar by the sacrifice of a brave paladin, Tira Miron. It is the social and cultural center of Aundair, housing many artists and diplomats. The bad ending, Wyr will be wiped out by rats and Aundair will hate the druids, or Wyr will be almost wiped out by a plague and Kyrzin will have a new body to terrorize the world and Aundair will hate the druids. Likes; Download 13; Share; Monday May 06, 2019. See Also: More information on the international Daask criminal organization can be found in Sharn: City of Towers pages 151-154 and in the Eye on Eberron article from Dungeon 194. Chamber of a Thousand Perils. Passage is reknown as the center of House Orien operations. Aundair. If they then try the door while standing on flower petals of any kind, it will open instead into the World. Welcome to Eberron: The Darkness Within. The Foundation is managed by a council known as the Wayfinder Enclave, but Boroman. Jorlanna d'Cannith baroness of house Cannith, overseeing Cannith West , from Fairhaven to Aundair , 80s anime eberron. She is the daughter of Barvette ir'Wynarn. At its height, the knights could muster over 400, but since the end of the Last War, its numbers have been. Fairhaven. Cannith 12. King Boranel ir’Wynarn leads the royal family of Breland from an ancient estate in the capital city of Wroat. The city also occupies a man-made island that sits in the middle of the river and it is here that Brokenblade Castle as well as the Citadel can be. Thieves of life in Fairhaven who follow d’Medani’s edicts to the letter benefit from his considerable power and influence. House Lyrandar is a half-elven dragonmarked house operating throughout Khorvaire with its enclave located on Stormhome, an island city-state just north of Aundair. Eberron Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Now, with the Kingdom of Galifar shattered, the Five Nations each try to make their ways in this new, post-war world. Aundair is a land of rolling plains and forests. Explore. The Dark Dagger Gang is a criminal syndicate in Fairhaven in Aundair. firmly in the world by associating the class with a particular race or culture. Barthandomere the Avaricious, A Kobold Endeavors One-Shot. The name of Galifar ir'Wynarn's eldest daughter. Outsiders might disparagingly stereotype Aundairians as backwards country bumpkins, but Aundair is also home to some of the finest academic institutions on Khorvaire, namely the University of Wynarn and the floating city of Arcanix. First of all a quick shout-out to NovaSeaker on the Eberron Discord for a template amongst others for the various human nations, they kindly shared with me just yesterday: bump the intelligence to 13 if not already higher, making them a (Wizard) spellcaster and replacing one or more of its attacks with the Firebolt or Ray of frost cantrips. Hobgoblin Fighter Archer. no labels, made on the free version of Inkarnate based on maps I found online that were too small for my needs. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A wizard walks into a tavern with a raven on his wrist. The embassies and consulates of Ambassador Court represent the most concrete part of the outside world in Fairhaven. However, at nights, someone who approaches it may hear inexplicable sounds of drinking, laughter, and merrymaking, although the interior remains dark and empty. The Five Nations as a whole. Government: Because it is both the capital city of Aundair and a large metropolitan area, Fairhaven has a tiered governmental system. Clan Crafter. The Whiteroof Ward has a larger than average population of half-elves while Rordan's Gate has a riot of different races from all over Eberron. Located in the bustling city of Fairhaven, the capitol of Aundair, the Queen's Kiss is a flower shop throughout the day, but those who approach it after hours often hear sounds of laughter and merrimentCaptain Allis is an officer in the armed forces of Aundair, based in Fairhaven. (39) 6. Other portals to this material plane opened to Sarlona, Sharn, and Stormreach. Eberron Realty Company: Fairhaven Office Building Battle Map - Fairhaven Office Building Battle Map This newly listed office building located in the Chequer's Ward in Fairhaven hasThe WGtE is a 176 page book. They specialize in using the spell phantom steed to swiftly reach key areas of a battle and then using their magical and martial talents to help turn the tide. In Eberron, the World Serpent Inn has a number of portals that open from time to time, all across the continent of Khorvaire and beyond. Although much of its western forest territory has now become the Eldeen Reaches, Aundair still possesses beautiful swaths. A center for trade and commerce, the city features a large House Orien enclave named Journey's Home. Aundair is one of the Five Nations of the original Kingdom of Galifar. Greenheart's normal population is 1,260. Fairhaven The capital of Aundair is one of the most beautiful cities in Eberron. So,. 95. Arcanix is a farming village in the nation of Aundair, located on the shores of Lake Galifar. The immense palace of Fairhold in the center of the city is practically a ward unto itself, and rare is the point in the city that doesn’t afford a. Based in Fairhaven in Aundair, this is one of the only respected orders of Necromancers in the Five Nations. —Bessi d’Jorasco, Fairhaven healer A halfling with the Mark of. A House Lyrandar airship tower, one of three similar towers in the city, marks the ward’s southern side. The Eberron Collector's Guide was more challenging than Dark Sun, because of the number of web articles and somewhat poorly documented Mark of Heroes and Xen'drik Expeditions organised play campaigns. Wrogar was the fourth child of King Jarot ir'Wynarn and the older twin of Princess Wroann. More information on Jelaan the Tall and his base of operations can be found in Chapter Two: Life in Fairhaven. With Fairhaven already almost done, I’m looking forward to the next metropolis in my Cities of Khorvaire series. See more ideas about dungeons and dragons, fantasy rpg, fantasy races. com 1200 x 741 jpeg empty eber World map. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Arthuropodd. Be it D&D 3. Government: Because it is both the. Adherents of the Blood of Vol faith make up a significant amount of the population. Dragonmarks. Numerous. Prince Wrogar assumed his role as Governor-prince of Aundair in 892 YK. Créer un. Stunning displays of magical light and other arcane wonders enhance the. However, the town's population grows. Stunning displays of magical light and other arcane wonders. Fabian Saravia. The capital of Aundair. “Without wine there is no conversation. I hope you like it! feedback appreciated always. This is the seat of the University of Wynarn, a prestigious institution that draws students from across Khorvaire. ” —Killarin Shaez, elf ranger in the service of Fairhaven. 9k members in the Eberron community. Lightning Rail Stations are locations where the lightning rail regularly stops to load and unload passengers and cargo. Aurad ir'Wynarn. Interested in flipbooks about Exploring Eberron? Check more flip ebooks related to Exploring Eberron of darius. Aug 26, 2022 - Be it D&D 3. It quickly ballooned out of control and I burnt out somewhat. Atur is located near where the Karrn River flows out of the Ashen Spires mountain range. All of them are filled with diplomats and clerks to maintain. Aundair's royal family currently. May 6, 2019. Located in Fairhaven in the nation of Aundair, the University of Wynarn might be lesser known than Morgrave University in Sharn but Wynarn is the more prestigious and respected university among the two. 93,000 in residence, with another 2,500 in transit from the river or roads. The staff is friendly,the place looks great. The city of Fairhaven is the largest in the Aundair and the regional seat of imperial power. These stations were built throughout Khorvaire. Fairhaven lies near the headwaters of the Aundair River some 80 miles west of the Thrane border. Modifying a Class. She is closer to the age of a matriarch than her rivals.