Ely college wisepay. egap siht weiv ot sthgir ssecca evah ton od uoY . Ely college wisepay

<b>egap siht weiv ot sthgir ssecca evah ton od uoY </b>Ely college wisepay Ely College

If there is sufficient interst we will make the item available to purchase online with preference given to pre-registered students. uk2021-2022. com: > WisePay login at the top of the page Log in with the email address that you gave the College as a contact email. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Access Denied. co. Home. Please see the Current Evening Course section and our Community Partners page for further information. Home. Get your tickets via Wisepay. ukEly College and Bishop Laney Sixth Form has over 1550 students and a deeply committed staff with a shared vision to deliver an exceptional school for our exceptional community. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Ely College. uk Scott [email protected]. Ely College. Students unable to access this system should contact the Sixth Form directly. • Improved Onboarding. By phone (01353) 667763 | By email - [email protected]. This will be sent out at the end of each half term to inform you about whole college, year or House events and notices. Home. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Access Denied. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Links for these areas can be found on the WisePay website and parental login pages. 15 th May – 26 th May then 5th – 23rd June – KS5 Exam Period. Cashless refreshments on the evening. Personal support for every student by their tutor;Downham Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire. We have been made aware that some WisePay users are having issues with cards not being accepted when making payments via WisePay. Accessing and using Ely College’s WisePay system Direct: Via Elycollege. Bandlab. You do not have access rights to view this page. Ely College. co. uka Meridian Trust 11-18 Academy located in the beautiful city of Ely. ukWOW! Some lovely festive fun coming up! All safe &amp; in bubbles with a focus on fundraising! DONATE via WisePay. ukWelcome to our Online Payment Area. Student Support Assistant – Louise Sheridan. Access Denied. co. Please be aware that recent. Home. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]: > WisePay login at the top of the page Log in with the email address that you gave the College as a contact email. 00am until 1. Access Denied. ukWelcome to our Online Payment Area. Key Contacts for Turing House. 13 th Dec – Bishop Laney Parent Evening. Ely College and Bishop Laney Sixth Form has over 1550 students and a deeply committed staff with a shared vision to deliver an exceptional school for our exceptional community. Welcome to our Online Payment Area School Trips Please log in to view the items available to your Account. 10 th Jan – 12 th Jan – Year 12 Criminology Unit off timetable day. Dinner Money Manager. 19 th June – 30 th June -Year 12 Mock Exams. co. Ely College opened as a new academy in July 2016. Supporting teenage mental health. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. You do not have access rights to view this page. Ely College. ukEly College - Nine Lessons & Carols Concert, Thursday 15th December 2022. ukWelcome to our Online Payment Area. uk, but please use the dedicated Absence telephone line to report student absences day to day. We’ve listened to your feedback and updated our mobile app to improve your experience with WisePay. Home. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. 10 th Jan – 12 th Jan – Year 12 Criminology Unit off timetable day. 10 th July – 14 th July – Year 12 Work Experience. These letters are copies of those that are sent out to parent/carers via email. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] College. Ely College and Bishop Laney Sixth Form has over 1550 students and a deeply committed staff with a shared. uk. 00 - 15. Help Using WisePay ** NEW ** Terms and Conditions Updated Privacy. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Read more ». co. PE Lessons. We have been made aware that some WisePay users are having issues with cards not being accepted when making payments via WisePay. Wednesday 22nd February 2023. co. It houses a book stock of 14,000 plus computers, tablets and I-pads, DVDs and audio books and e-books. 10 th July – 14 th July – Year 12 Work Experience. How do I register an account in the new WisePay App? The same way as you did for the existing WisePay App. Welcome to our Student and Parent Half Termly Newsletter. ukEly College. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. gov. Welcome to our Online Payment Area School Trips Please log in to view the items available to your Account. Please register your interest for any of the items listed below. Please be aware that recent renewals of Debit and Credit Cards from NatWest Bank have now changed from VISA cards to now being Mastercards. Ely College. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] Denied. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Research the following campaigns and changes that came form them in policy and/or law: Look at the following media types and think about how they represent and portray crime, compiling a. Home. Houses are responsible for monitoring and ensuring the welfare and progress of the students; each House has a distinct identity, but applies common structures and systems. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. @elycollege Another fantastic Charities Day. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Curriculum Leader English – Heather Clark-Hope. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] College. Access Denied. Ely College, Home. Watch BBC’s Love and Hate Crime. Home. To report a student’s absence please call our dedicated Absence line: 01353 667763. Ely College, Home. There are currently no items available to register your interest against. For more detailed instructions, take a. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **WisePay - Parents. Home. Tomorrow is #ChristmasJumperDay!Our House System. Ely College. ukEly College - Register of Interest. All enquiries to the office phone line will be handled by Mrs Christine Amery or Mrs Jo Hart and will then be forwarded to the most relevant member of staff for. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Student Support Assistant – Georgina Garrett. Watch on Mental Wellbeing and External Support Links to various external support, national and local partners, can we found on our dedicated sway which we regularly update and share with our students, parents and communities. Ely Dinner Money. co. Open the attachment to view the school’s latest Ofsted Report. 00pm. co. ukAccess Denied. A Level Maths. uk. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. We are delighted to have been given this award in recognition of teaching and learning in science, across the whole. Ely College Student and Parent Half Termly Newsletter - 26th May 2023. If the current patterns of application from. CB6 2SH. co. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. a Meridian Trust 11-18 Academy located in the beautiful city of Ely. Home. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. CB3 0AP. Subject Leader Geography – Emily Hill. Senior Tutor – Jamie Waters. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Downham Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. The new WisePay app logo is grey, and green opposed to the previous colour scheme of purple and green. PDF File. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. If you are applying for an In-Year place (ie you want a place at Ely College in current Year 7 after September and for Years 8 – 11), you must download an application form from the Cambs County Council website:. Latest News. Tuesday 18th July - In college 'Meet the Tutor' event 3:45pm - 5. sch. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. 19 th June – 30 th June -Year 12 Mock Exams. Following the two-hour slot for meeting tutors, we will be broadcasting an online information talk at 6:30pm, providing general information relating to college life and our processes, with an opportunity for those watching to ask questions via our live chat. Where can I download the new WisePay App? Play store and Apple Store. Ely College. uk13 th Dec – Bishop Laney Parent Evening. ukWelcome to our Online Payment Area. Access Denied. co. Home. co. Access Denied. Mastercards are identifiable by a red and yellow circle on the. Accessing and using Ely College’s WisePay system Direct: Via. g. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Offering a dedicated business mentor from the local community, every course the Bishop Laney Sixth Form will offer has a clear professional relevance to it, giving students the widest possible. Assistant Principal – KJ Norton-Berry. If there is sufficient interst we will make the item available to purchase online with preference given to pre-registered students. You can find the SWAY here: Ely College - external support Wisepay – Parent and Carer Payments You can access Wisepay to make payments for trips, visits and to purchase kit, equipment and textbooks which departments make available. fumes. Ely College. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. ukSixth Form. Help Using WisePay ** NEW ** Terms and ConditionsLog in. Welcome to Ely College Community. The new WisePay app logo is grey, and green opposed to the previous colour scheme of. Ely Dinner Money. ukEly College - Little Shop of Horrors, Saturday 21st January 2023, 7. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. We want every student to receive an inspiring education, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed beyond the classroom. co. Access [email protected]. Home. The BBC documented the day as part of a news item marking the commemoration of VE Day on 8th May. You do not have access rights to view this page. Home. co. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. gov. More intuitive and secure. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. The five CMAT core values are fundamental to my. Home. ukJoin us for a beautiful evening of music and festive joy! All welcome. Please register your interest for any of the items listed below. Home. You do not have access rights to view this page. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. If there is sufficient interst we will make the item available to purchase online with preference given to pre-registered students. Name of Candidate: Signature: Date: Please return to Ely College main reception by 12. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Ely College. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. ukEly College. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Dinner Money Manager. Accessing and using Ely College’s WisePay system Direct: Via Elycollege. co. co.