Ely college wisepay. Help Using WisePay ** NEW ** Terms and ConditionsWelcome to our Online Payment Area. Ely college wisepay

 Help Using WisePay ** NEW ** Terms and ConditionsWelcome to our Online Payment AreaEly college wisepay  Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College

Please be aware that recent. The exam results for 2019/20 and 2020/21 were not published as performance measures, therefore we are required to publish the 2018/19 examination results and DfE School and College Performance Tables Service. Tel: (01353) 664853. Siblings are assigned to. PDF File. Welcome to our Student and Parent Half Termly Newsletter. Ely College. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. a Meridian Trust 11-18 Academy located in the beautiful city of Ely. House Email: [email protected] College. Ely College. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] WISEPAY App. Home. Options Online System goes live for. Wednesday 22nd February 2023. Bishop Laney Sixth Form (Ely College) has grown from 77 students in 2017, to 237 in 2022 (an increase of over 300%). You do not have access rights to view this page. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] College. Home. 15 th May – 26 th May then 5th – 23rd June – KS5 Exam Period. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Year 8 ‘Guided Choices Evening’ - in college. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. Meridian Trust; Swavesey Village College;Ely College. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. co. Register of Interest Please register your interest for any of the items listed below. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. uk Franklin [email protected] to our Online Payment Area. I understand that the above text will be shared with all the parents of children at the school if an election is needed. Principal: Simon Warburton Downham Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2SH t: 01353 667763 e: [email protected]. You do not have access rights to view this page. CB6 2SH. Access Denied. If you are applying for an In-Year place (ie you want a place at Ely College in current Year 7 after September and for Years 8 – 11), you must download an application form from the Cambs County Council website:. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College, Home. Combinations of visits, talks, ‘hands-on’ projects and mentoring by engineers and scientists will allow the young people to see STEM subjects being used in practice and give them a taste of working in these industries. Other Meridian Trust Sites. Ely Dinner Money. uk. Home. Our Winter Wonderland SWAY link ABOVE is the place to see ALL the amazing talent! 3/3 Festive Greetings to all! Festive form time fun this morning! Lots of choccys, Christmas quizzes, secret santa swaps & lots more fun! Money raised from our non school uniform will be split over the 5 house charities! Forgotten Password ? 17 July 2023 FOR THE ATTENTION OF NATWEST DEBIT AND CREDIT CARD HOLDERS We have been made aware that some WisePay. co. Ely College. co. Ely College. support [email protected]. ukEly College. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. . Policies. Ely College had been through a turbulent period, with Ofsted judging the school ‘inadequate’ and requiring special measures in 2015. 19 th June – 30 th June -Year 12 Mock Exams. 00 - 15. You do not have access rights to view this page. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. You can find the SWAY here: Ely College - external support Wisepay – Parent and Carer Payments You can access Wisepay to make payments for trips, visits and to purchase kit, equipment and textbooks which departments make available. ukCASUS is an early intervention drug and alcohol service for young people aged 10-18 in Northamptonshire. STEM. Home. Home; Sixth Form; Bishop Laney Post 16 Provision; Post 16 Study Programmes; Also in this Section. Home. co. Important contacts Account access, account problems, access problems [email protected]. co. uk w: 8th September 2022 . WE SMASHED IT! The numbers are still being crunched so we'll have a BIG announcement in the new year; but it appears that thanks to your generosity we've blown previous totals out of the water! Your WisePay donations with the new voucher system. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Home. Ely College is organised into five 'Houses', each of which will consist of around 250+ students, 12 tutor groups and 20 - 30 staff. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. ukEly College, Home. ukEly College. 00 Queen Edith Way, Cambridge, CB1 8NN +44 (0)1223 868327 +44 (0)1223 868327Ely College. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] College. Assistant Principal – KJ Norton-Berry. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. g. 10 th July – 14 th July – Year 12 Work Experience. uk Scott [email protected]. In recent years, students from the College have found employment or training with, amongst others, Price Waterhouse, Carl Zeiss, the John Lewis Partnership, Arcadia and ABN. ukWOW! Some lovely festive fun coming up! All safe & in bubbles with a focus on fundraising! DONATE via WisePay. Home. You will be able to see that we have the best exchange rate clearly displayed. Home. Research types and examples of: White Collar Crime, Technological Crime, Hate Crime and Domestic Abuse. Ely College. Access Denied. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Home. 00pm. ukWelcome to our Online Payment Area. Here are a few questions for you to answer - following it is the answer sheet with workings, try not to sneak a peek until you've made a good attempt at the questions! Free Kindle Book – Head Start to A Level Maths. co. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. You do not have access rights to view this page. ukEly College. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. You do not have access rights to view this page. Access Denied. Home. Other Meridian Trust Sites. School Shop with CategoriesPlease log in to view the items available to your Account. co. Dr Obote College. ukEly College. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. co. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] on 2nd December 2020. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **The Ely College Science Fair is a fantastic opportunity for parents and pupils of all ages in the area to be inspired by science and STEM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Subject Leader Geography – Emily Hill. ukEly College - Nine Lessons & Carols Concert, Thursday 15th December 2022. co. If there is sufficient interst we will make the item available to purchase online with preference given to pre-registered students. Wisepay – Parent and Carer Payments You can access Wisepay to make payments for trips, visits and to purchase kit, equipment and textbooks which departments make. Session 6 Summer 2023. co. PE Lessons. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. Access Denied. All welcome; we look forward to seeing you at the Hideaway soon. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. uk13 th Dec – Bishop Laney Parent Evening. co. Ely College officially joined the CMAT family in 2016. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Latest News. Name of Candidate: Signature: Date: Please return to Ely College main reception by 12. Logo and User Interface changes will be seen gradually over the coming months. We want every student to receive an inspiring education, equipping them with the skills and. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. New Wisepay accounts are created initially with the parent email address provided to the college; and the password can be set on first use by using the ‘reset password’ function. Home. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. Home. You do not have access rights to view this page. 5. Home. Home. This system works on celebrating pupils successes outside the classroom as well as in it. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. co. Meridian Trust; Swavesey Village College;Ely College. co. Huge Congratulations Bryony!. It is not possible to set this through WisePay. It houses a book stock of 14,000 plus computers, tablets and I-pads, DVDs and audio books and e-books. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Cambridge. Home. You do not have access rights to view this page. Access Denied. co. Houses are responsible for monitoring and ensuring the welfare and progress of the students; each House has a distinct identity, but applies common structures and systems. ukEly College, Home. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected]. How It Works Select Country. co. The new WisePay app logo is grey, and green opposed to the previous colour scheme of. Access Denied. Students unable to access this system should contact the Sixth Form directly. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. ukWelcome to our Online Payment Area. PDF File. Home. ukLevel 3 Criminology. Please register your interest for any of the items listed below. co. co. 28 th Mar – Year 12 Parent Evening. Thank you for supporting. Participants were divided based on their rowing. Home. Where can I download the new WisePay App? Play store and Apple Store. 3:39 PM · Dec 16, 2022 1 Retweet 9 Likes Ely College. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Online Payment Area. The 16 to 19 tuition fund is ring-fenced funding for schools, colleges and all other 16 to 19 institutions who receive annual funding allocations from ESFA for the provision of 16 to 19 education, to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus (COVID-19). You do not have access rights to view this page. 30pm: Etheldreda and Franklin students. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. fumes. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. ukThrough various tasters, projects and placements, Ely College pupils will learn more about local employers and local industry. . 00am-2. Accessing and using Ely College’s WisePay system Direct: Via Elycollege. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Cambridge. All enquiries to the office phone line will be handled by Mrs Christine Amery or Mrs Jo Hart and will then be forwarded to the most relevant member of staff for. ukSixth Form. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Home. uk. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] to our Online Payment Area. Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH Tel: 01353 667763 Email: [email protected] | Webmail | Remote Desktop |. Other Meridian Trust Sites. Mastercards are identifiable by a red and yellow circle on the. Home. co. Yr 11 Assesment Nov 2020. The Langtonian Magazine July 3, 2023. Students are provided with a clear and focused selection of study programmmes to tie in with their future aspirations. 10 th July – 14 th July – Year 12 Work Experience. Future forecasts indicate that an increase in the Year 12 capacity from 150 to 200 is required to meet the expected demand and demographic growth in the district over the next decade. Ely College, Home. House Office call: 01353 652876. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Welcome to our Sixth Form College. Help Using WisePay ** NEW **Ely College. uk. Choose which country you want to send money to and how much you want to send.