m. 5. 2. 2. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sternquist at 9:16 a. The Chair recognized former Commissioner Cynthia Sternquist, who had represented theIn Temple City, voters returned incumbent Councilwoman Cynthia Sternquist to the dais, and elected newcomers William Man and Nanette “Nan” Fish. 5. ''Member Cynthia Sternquist, Chair Carol Herrera, Member Juventino Gomez, Member Valerie Munoz, Member Hector Delgado, Member Michael De La Torre, Member Sam Pedroza, Member David Rodriguez Alternates: Member Gene Murabito Absent: Member Charlie Rosales, Member Uriel Macias, Member Gary Boyer, Member. Executive Board is Member Cynthia Sternquist (Temple City) and the Alternate is Member Richard Barakat (Bradbury). approval of minutes for the joint meeting - annual governing board meeting and executive board meeting, and special executive board meeting of may 26, 2017 7. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sternquist at 9:36 a. Cell: 909. President . Present: Member Sam Pedroza, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Vice Chair Corey Warshaw, Chair Corey Calaycay 5. Chair Calaycay announced that Cluster 3 held a Special Election prior to the start of the Governing Board Meeting to fill a vacancy for the ExecutiveMayor Sternquist called the City Council p. Delgado, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member David C. Belvidere Community Unit School District 100. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Sternquist. Long Beach. Cynthia Sternquist 's Record in 2020. 1. Facebook gives people the. . 18-052 (SITE 1) AND 18-053 (SITE 2) REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES MID-DAY LAYOVER SITES Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director to issue. Present: Member Gary Boyer, Member Cory Moss, Member Becky Shevlin, Vice Chair Corey Calaycay, Chair Cynthia Sternquist 3. Cynthia Sternquist . Present: Member Gary Boyer, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Sam Pedroza, Member Carol Herrera, Chair Corey Calaycay 5. , retreat moderator, greeted attendees, provided. The event will take place at the Historical Society of Temple City, 5954. View Details. Cynthia Sternquist. Present: Member Richard Barakat, Member Gary Boyer, Member Cory Moss, Vice Chair Corey Calaycay, Chair Cynthia Sternquist Also in attendance were Becky Shevlin, Executive Board Alternate. FUEL CELL FACILITY TOUR Foothill Transit Executive Board Members participated in a site tour of the SunLine Transit. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Sternquist. 973. D. 2. Chang (not pictured). Michael Vargas Riverside County Hon. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Christina Lopez, Board Secretary. Associated persons: Britni Sternquist, Gregory A Sternquist (626) 287-1610. Sternquist. Steve Tye District 37 Hon. View Background Report Sponsored. 504 E Route 66 Ste 102 Glendora, Ca 91740 (909) 973-0303. 2018-19 William Man . Linda Parks Ventura County Hon. Directory of Profiled Business People: Cynthia Sternquist Stepen, Mike - Steward, Phillip > Sternoff, Michael - Sterpka, Larry > Sternquist, Britni - Sternquist, Deanna > Sternquist, Cynthia 2 ContactsVice Chair Corey Calaycay, Chair Cynthia Sternquist (being temporarily absent) 3. The Executive Board. As of February 2023, per CAWP research and population data from the U. Email. org. Shevlin, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Member Juventino J Gomez, Member Jeff Parriott, Member Hector Delgado, Member Michael De La Torre, Member Sam Pedroza and Member David C. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. Present: Member Sam Pedroza, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Vice Chair Corey Warshaw, Chair Corey Calaycay 4. Temple City, California. I am known as a family and couples expert and I am committed to the health and welfare of children and adolescents. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. STATEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR. Phone Email. Lisk, and Manuel Valenzuela III. 2022-23 Cynthia Sternquist . Holly Sternquist has been working as a Paralegal To Genevieve at Meshbesher & Spence for 5 years. The Executive Board recessed into closed session at 8:09 a. Absent: Member Edward Alvarez, Member Daniel Damian, Member John King, Member Jessica Ancona . com. Foothill Transit is required by the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) to post a single Form 806 onto its website. INTRODUCTION OF FOOTHILL TRANSIT BUSINESS PARTNERS Ibrahima Toure, Area Vice President Operations, introduced Susan Sweat, Chief Operating Officer of Transdev U. 天普市市长 Cynthia Sternquist在开业典礼上致辞。Space师资在开业典礼上一一展示了极高的专业技能。创始人Lumi Wang 也在开业典礼中高歌一曲,引来阵阵掌声,她的学生们在洛杉矶很多重量级声乐比赛中获得一等奖,旗下学员考入Ossa艺术中学及伯克利音乐学院. Chair Sternquist called the Successor Agency to the Temple City Community Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting to order at 50 p. Cynthia Sternquist of Temple City, CA 17 Dec 2022 20221217 Category:Proclamations Category: US Politicians: You cannot overwrite this file. Hon. All four individuals were interviewed on Thursday,. RECOGNITION OF PAST BOARD CHAIR CYNTHIA STERNQUIST Doran Barnes, CEO, recognized Governing Board Member Cynthia Sternquist , for her two years of service as the Foothill Transit Executive Board Chair. Prior Term(s): Parks and Recreation Commission (July 1991-May 2009), Planning Commission (May 2009-June 2009) Occupation: Retired educator and literacy coach. 10, 2019) — As three city council members are running for re-election with no challengers, the city of Temple City will not be holding its bi-annual municipal election that would have taken place Tuesday, March 3, 2020, city officials announced. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Christina Lopez, Board Secretary. Calaycay, Vice Chair Cynthia Sternquist, Chair Carol Herrera 4. Moss Cluster 4 - Industry Executive Board Alternates Cluster 1 - San Dimas Emmett Badar Cluster 2 - West Covina Dario Castellanos488K views, 11K likes, 50 comments, 1. , Tuesday, March 4, in Council Chambers (5938 Kauffman Ave. Possible relatives for Gregory Sternquist include Britni Sternquist, Cynthia Sternquist, Braxton Sternquist and several others. There are no pages that use this file. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sternquist at 8:34 a. Motion carried 5-0. A-1 and A-2. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR . REVIEW & APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 2017 Approval of the. Previously, Robert was the General Contractor at Sutt erfield Land. Chemung County, NY is part of the Government industry, and located in New York, United States. Motion carried 5-0. Cynthia Sternquist of Temple City, CA 17 Dec 2022 20221217 Category:Proclamations Category: US Politicians: You cannot overwrite this file. The dates of the meeting minutes should be August 2, 2022. 2. "This kind of direct campus access to public transit provides a strong path for the advancement of our communities, and gives all students a new way to move ahead. Present: Member Sam Pedroza, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Vice Chair Corey Warshaw, Chair Corey Calaycay 5. S. Cynthia Sternquist worked as a Council Member for the city of Temple City, California and in 2018 had a reported pay of $8,640 according to public records. Cynthia Sternquist Absent: Member Dario Castellanos, Member Valerie Munoz 4. 2. ABSENT: Councilmember – Yu . President at San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments . Mayor Pro Tem and outgoing Mayor Vincent Yu was thanked with flowers for his leadership during an extraordinary and difficult year. Nuwber opt out is simple and quick. Cynthia Sternquist 1st Vice President Margaret Clark 2nd Vice President Becky Shevlin 3rd Vice President Tim Hepburn MEMBERS Enhancement Program (TCEP) at your December 2 Alhambra Arcadia Confluence Chokepoint Relief Project which will Azusa Baldwin Park Bradbury Claremont Covina Diamond Bar the country DuarteThe successor to former Temple City councilman Dave Capra is Cynthia Sternquist. ROLL CALL . in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. Cynthia Sternquist, Temple City SGVCOG Hon. Hon. Rodriguez Present: 20 - Members: Emmett Badar, Uriel Macias Members: Kevin Stapleton, Manuel Garica, Valerie Munoz Excused: Alternate: 2 – 3 – I. in the Council 8: Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. ). The meeting was called to order by Chair Sternquist at 7:35 a. Parks & Recreation. Stark, representing Peter Barron Stark & Associates, Inc. Meet the 78th Camellia Festival Royal Court, Page 6Margaret McAustin, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Juventino "J" Gomez, Member Jeff Parriott, Member Violeta Violeta Lewis, Member Hector Delgado, Member David C. Sternquist has been an advocate for senior citizens. Becky Shevlin, Member Margaret McAustin, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Member Juventino “J” Gomez, Member Corey Moss, Member Valerie Munoz, Member Hector Delgado, Member Sam Pedroza, Member David Rodriguez Alternates: Member Samuel Kang, Member Abraham CruzMotion by Vice Chair Warshaw, second by Member Sternquist, to approve. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented. Read MoreTemple City Mayor Cynthia Sterquist visited the regular meeting of Temple City Kiwanis on September 17, 2013. ABSENT: Councilmember – None . CONFIRMATIONS OF AGENDA BY CHAIR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 4. Service Requests. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Member Shevlin, second by. Joining Herrera on the Executive Board are: Corey. Sternquist, a member of the Planning commission, was one of four candidates vying to finish Capra’s remaining term on the City Council. Member Patricia Wallach, thanked the Foothill Transit Governing and Executive Boards Members for her election as the Chair of the FoothillCaracci, Member Becky Shevlin, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Member Juventino Gomez, Member Cory Moss, Member Valerie Munoz, Member Hector Delgado, Member Sam Pedroza Absent: Member Mary Su, Member Uriel Macias, Member Peggy Delach, Member Margaret McAustin, Member Michael De La. ”. Payroll Year. ROLL CALL . Snell, everyone boarded parade floats for a special parade through the fair. 2013-14 Cynthia Sternquist . A Notification of Interest Form will be emailed to all governing board members of Cluster 2 and 3 on April 14, 2017. Temple City, CA, June 8, 2022 – Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Temple City’s Mayor Cynthia Sternquist, the Director of LA County Library Skye Patrick, and partners held a ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday to celebrate the grand opening of the newly renovated Temple City Library. ExperienceCommitmentImpactVote Sternquist March 3rd 2015. Hon. Cynthia Sternquist is the President at San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments based in Alhambra, California. ”With the theme "The Future of the Past," Temple City Mayor Cynthia Sternquist will touch on the city’s accomplishments in 2022 and what residents and businesses can expect to look forward to in 2023 during the annual State of the City address. Michael Sternquist. Julia Surak’s peers at other companies are Peter Bridgewater, Vernon Townsend, Thomas Fields, Jeffrey Henderson, Cynthia Sternquist. ATTEST: Peggy Kuo, City Clerk . Join Facebook to connect with Cynthia Sternquist and others you may know. View phone number. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA BY CHAIR AND CHIEF. Purpose – This paper's aim is to identify structural and relational factors influencing the upstream channel management of organized retailers in India. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sternquist at 9:20 a. Specialties: Welcome and thanks for viewing my STRATEGIC psychotherapy/life coaching consulting practice. View Employment Record for Cynthia Sternquist. During the July 5 City Council meeting, Mayor Cynthia Sternquist and the Council confirmed the appointments of Temple City residents to the Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and Transportation & Public Safety Commission. m. Present: Member Gary Boyer, Member Cory Moss, Member Becky Shevlin, Vice Chair Corey Calaycay, Chair Cynthia. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Christina Lopez, Board Secretary. Cynthia Sternquist,. ROLL CALL Present: Member Richard Barakat, Member Gary Boyer, Vice Chair Cynthia Sternquist Absent: Member Corey Calaycay 3. Today, Sternquist is now a sitting council member eager to win her first full term. Mayor Sternquist will cover a wide range of topics, from updates on the Strategic and General Plans, the soon-to-be completedPresent: Member (Alternate) Cynthia Sternquist, Member Richard Barakat, Member Corey Warshaw, Vice Chair Carol Herrera, Chair Corey Calaycay Absent: Member Sam Pedroza 5. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Christina Lopez, Board Secretary. m. Present: Member Sam Pedroza, Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Vice Chair Corey Warshaw, Chair Corey Calay cay 5. View phone number. 3. “I made tackling the housing and homelessness crisis in the San Gabriel Valley a top priority in my campaign. (Kids belong to Yansy Monroy). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA BY CHAIR AND CHIEF. TEMPLE CITY, CA (Dec. Alicia Weintraub, Calabasas LVMCOGMember Cynthia Sternquist Absent: Member Valerie Munoz 4. Stern, PhD, LMFT Psychotherapeutic services for Couples, Individuals, & Families "What is one small step I can take towards reaching my goal?" - Robert Maurer, Ph. Motion by Vice Chair Calaycay, second by Member Moss, the minutes for the. m. m. (15-1273) On motion of Member Calaycay, seconded by Member Herrera, unanimously carried (Members Breceda, Delgado, Lanz and Lewis being absent) this item was approved. APPROVAL OF AGENDA After discussion, by Common Consent, and there being no objection, the Board approved the agenda as presented. Colleen Wallace Banning Hon. 2. I am. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Cook, City Attorney , City. Others in Attendance – Cynthia Sternquist Announcements from the Chair Chair Calaycay thanked Library staff for the renovation of the Claremont Library and stated that the community was very pleased with it. Former Temple City councilman Dan Arrighi and Parks and Recreation commissioner Cynthia Sternquist were appointed to fill two vacancies by the City Council. Who are Cezar Quiambao’s colleagues? Some of Cezar Quiambao’s colleagues are Jezreel Junio. Sweat stated that prior to working with Transdev, that she spent 33 years with FedEx. , Trustee Tim Sandoval led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Clerk of the Board Marta Tanaka took Roll Call. 10, at Lotus House restaurant in Temple City. 6. ROLL CALL. Cynthia Moran. Hon. “By joining resources and doing our part, we increase access to vaccines for all San Gabriel Valley residents. Co-Workers & Other Employees. I specialize in brief problem solving therapy. Appt. Home. Member Cynthia Sternquist, Member Carol Herrera, Member Juventino Gomez, Member Cory Moss, Member Valerie Munoz, Member Hector Delgado, Member Michael De La Torre, Member Sam Pedroza, Member David Rodriguez Absent: Member Uriel Macias 5.